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| python 3.10 redis 6.2 python redis 4.1.0
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| from redis import StrictRedis, ConnectionPool from pprint import pprint from concurrent.futures.process import ProcessPoolExecutor
Basic Client
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| rds = StrictRedis( host='', port=3218, username='default', password='xxxxwadsad', decode_responses=True, db=1, )
Basic Client Based On URL
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| rds_url = 'redis://default:xxxxwadsad@' rds = StrictRedis.from_url(rds_url) pprint(rds.info())
Connection Pool
Connection Pool class
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| connection_pool = ConnectionPool( host='', port=3218, username='default', password='xxxxwadsad', decode_responses=True, db=1, ) connection_pool_client = StrictRedis(connection_pool=connection_pool) pprint(connection_pool_client.info())
Connection Pool class Base on URL
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| rds_url = 'redis://default:xxxxwadsad@' connection_pool = ConnectionPool.from_url(rds_url) connection_pool_client = StrictRedis(connection_pool=connection_pool) pprint(connection_pool_client.info())
Batch process, Don’t forget to use pipeline.execute()
after the batch is finished
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| pipeline = rds.pipeline(transaction=True) pipeline = connection_pool_client.pipeline(transaction=True)
multiprocessing batch
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| def process_item():
def main(): with ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=6) as p:
for _ in range(100): p.submit(process_item)
tips: IO密集型用线程、协程,CPU密集型用进程